Sunday, December 11, 2011

Tasty for Less: Red Rooster Harlem

Entrees ranging from $20-40

Okay. So I failed to take a picture. Again. I know. I will stamp it into my palm: "Take a picture before you stuff your face." Okay, so Red Rooster was not cheap. It wasn't my most expensive dinner but it wasn't the cheapest either. Hubby and I splurged a little for our anniversary Wednesday night. Comparatively speaking I don't spend a lot on dinners out when you look at the rest of NYC's twenty somethings but I eat out frequently. Most times, I find the best little known inexpensive gems for a nice dinner for any occasion, but sometimes the value is not in spending as little as possible but in having the best possible experience for what you do spend. When I received the recommendation to try Red Rooster, I didn't know what to expect but I found it was a good deal and I can definitively tell you that it was DELICIOUS. I can also tell you that the good service for the price we paid was enough to qualify this as an excellent value.

I started my meal with the creole grits side as an appetizer and it was a real mixed bag, chock full of tender shrimp and sausage and topped with a delicious toasted cheese cracker that I (shamefully) gobbled up too quickly to get a good look at. It was a whole new take on grits that hadn't experienced before. I Loved it.
In addition to the grits, we had the corn bread which in a world full of Jiffy, cake- like, too dry to swallow, diabetes-inducing corn bread, was a heavenly delight. I think the whole restaurant moved in slow motions and classical music played when I sank my teeth into it. It had a nice kick and was moist and buttery throughout. NO. Not just buttered on top. It was almost like it was infused with buttery cornbread juices. I'm still trying to understand how to make moist cornbread. I honestly don't think I've experienced it before, so this was an real "pause and savor" moment for me.

Our main course was the salmon, which we devoured. Hubby and I were like two sharks on a school of two innocent little salmon at our table (perhaps not quite, but my imaginations remembers it just like that) lol. You know what I mean. It got quiet at the table and we were momentarily only focused on our plates. The salmon was delicately cooked to my desired tenderness but the competition between the dual spicy and sweet flavors led to an overbearing flavor explosion that was a bit much for my taste. Individually both are orgasmicly delicious, but together, it seemed like both flavors were competing for which would be strongest, which lead to the overshadowing of the delicate, buttery flavor of salmon that I prefer. Boring? Ehh, sue me. Sometimes the simple things work for me.

Our shared side dish was the rice and peas entree, which was an aromatic, eclectic mixture that was bursting with flavor you could taste before it even hit your palette. It really was delicious and so fragrant. I loved it.
I think that  attentive service, friendly and kind staff and nice ambiance usually wins me over far and beyond the food at any restaurant. Am I breaking all of the foodie rules by putting those first? Probably. Lol. That being said, Red Rooster was a winner for having good service, but I guess the delicious food helps too.

Overall 4/5 stars: I'll definitely be back.

I'd love to know if you've tried it and what you thought.

Lots of love,
