Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year Babes,

I wish you a blessed year, one in which you make the most of every day, savor every moment, nourish your relationships, stand accountable for your decisions, and move forwards, if even incrementally each and every second. Do not dwell on what 2011 left behind. Charge ahead. I certainly know that I plan to.

Despite many people being against resolutions, I believe in them. I believe because I have achieved goals through resolutions. I broke into a new field, became more well read, and lost forty pounds of excess body weight as a result of resolutions I've made in years past. I believe in them because of my own success with them. This year, once again I have several resolutions, mostly related to my career and relationships. In the spirit of what BPL is all about, I encourage you to not fall prey to spending your hard earned money in pursuit of your resolutions. Unless your resolution is to save money in a bank account, it should not be taking any money out of your pocket to achieve it! If you want to lose weight, screw joining a gym, eat less and cut out processed foods. If you want to travel more, divert money from elsewhere to afford it. Well, that's my take on resolutions. Now I'll get off my soap box. I'd love to hear what you all resolve to do in 2012 and how you plan to achieve it. Let me know if you disagree. Will you be spending money on your resolution? Hit the comments box or hit me on Twitter @JisforJessy.

Lots of love,
