Monday, October 3, 2011

So I plan to Run a 5K

I actually ran a lot between the ages of 12 and 18. It dominated every weekday afternoon and Saturday from 7th to 11th grade, when it lost out to intensified ballet classes and a part time job that consumed my weekends. Since then, running and I have had a love/hate relationship. She makes my chest and knees hurt and I'm sure I disappoint her with my complaining and labored breathing. But I'm intent on reviving my runners' spirit. I discovered a great workout plan when I went on a google binge looking for some shortcut ( I know, ridiculous), or trick to accellerate my trining. What do you think? Any suggestions on how I can go from past experienced novice to distance runner?

Check out the Couch to 5K Running Plan courtesy of Josh Clark. I'm going to start in January.

