Saturday, August 20, 2011

Welcome to Blueprint Luxe

I decided to start this blog over a year ago as a new hobby and for a smogasborg of reasons it's launch was delayed, canceled, and then wonderfully re-initiated! Hooray!

To make my introduction short, I started this blog because I couldn't find a blog or resource that brought together all the aspects of living glamorously and luxuriously, albeit responsibly, realistically and affordably as a young professional. So I've committed my self to doing it.

I see this as an opportunity to improve my writing skills, feed my curiosity, and communicate with all the fabulous people who can identify with the conflict between having expensive taste and the responsibility of well... Grown up life. I will write about everything from beauty product reviews to my fitness quest(s), pet products and books.

I welcome constructive criticism and suggestions and definitely intend to make this blog a fun reources for both myself and any readers. Thanks for reading!